to bring up at
a wedding rehearsal dinner?
This won't be a hit piece on a candidate, but rather a reminder that we don't live under a monarchy like Israel and Judah did in the Bible. We have a part to play in the decision of who will be elected. And if we don't take advantage of the opportunities to vote, we have no one to blame but ourselves if the least qualified, least deserving people are at the helm of the country.
Let's start with the most powerful thing we can do. Pray. Prayer can go anywhere God can go. And often times, God will not act unless we call out to him. James 4:2 tells us that, “ye have not because ye ask not.” But if we call out to him in sincerity and with a clean heart we can expect great things...
...The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. (James 5:16-18)
I regularly pray for the rise of righteous and wise leaders, and for the demise of unrighteous leaders. And that's not party specific.
Secondly, we need to be informed about the issues. How do we know one candidate is better than another if we don't do our own investigating? Don't rely on the media. They have their own agenda and will do their best to skew our perception of the truth so that they will get their candidate elected. If you're not sure about that check out the voting statistics of the media here.
Another great resource on issues is The Heritage Foundation.
Thirdly, register to vote, then do it. I found a couple of things on the web you might like. If you're a Chuck Norris fan, check out If you like something edgier, have a look at Ted Nugent's video.
Fourth, keep up to date about what's going on and take a moment to make a phone call, send a fax, write a letter or an email to the official in your district. Here's a link to phone numbers and emails. If they're off track, tell them! If they've done well, tell them! If they don't hear from us, they'll do whatever is best for them – not us. If they hear from more of us Christians who hold godly values and dear, they'll make wiser decisions.
Finally, let's keep praying for them after they're elected. I pray they lead our nation to a more stable and peaceful position in the world. I pray they will respect our freedoms and liberties as provided for in the Constitution. I pray for their souls and that they will turn to Jesus Christ the only hope of mankind. But I also pray that if they won't repent and if they won't make wise decisions for the citizens they're supposed to represent, that they will be removed and replaced by better leaders. The details of that transition I'll leave to the Lord.
The mid-term elections are fast approaching. Many of our leaders don't deserve to be re-elected in my opinion and I plan to let them know in November. How about you? Will you take an active role in the direction of our country?
Proverbs 22:3 says, A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.
Then if you're still not sure how to vote, here's a clue from the Bible...
A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left. (Ecclesiastes 10:2)
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