Welcome To Christian Home Church Online!
What Is Church All About?![]() Is Church a building on the corner of 5th and Main? Is it a denomination? Most of us Christians will quickly say, "No," yet most of us haven't searched out what the scriptures tell us about church. We repeat what we've been told, and tend to do what our family has always done on Sundays from ten to noon. But if that's all we know, we're missing a lot!
Church is the dynamic, flexible, and participatory body of Christ. Jesus is the head and every believer is an individual member of that body. By design we're created to worship God and edify each other. Wherever two or three are gathered together in his name, there Christ will meet us, bless us and use us for his glory. Read more about this on the blog post, Important Things You Should Know About Church Before You Go Back! House to house ministry isn't new. Churches meeting in houses is frequently mentioned in the Bible and becoming more common here in America. This website was designed to give you more information about biblical church as well as other resources for how the body of Christ can and should function. Check back often and visit our blog for the latest updates! Do You Know What You Must Do To Be Saved?
Have You Heard & Obeyed The Gospel For Yourself?
Church Is NOT Something We Do...There are countless souls today caught between a disappointing church experience and the guilt of not being part of a church at all. How many people will go through the Sunday motions this weekend, just so they can punch their spiritual clock? Too many. But that's how we've been trained, right? We've been taught to get up, get dressed up, and go somewhere to listen to a preacher and put something in the collection plate. That's what church is to most people; something we go do for a couple of hours. The Bible, however, offers a very different picture about church
This site will offer thoughts and helpful answers to those who are well aware of the command to assemble together, but haven't found how or where to fellowship. This is not a place for bashing denominational churches or to promote the idea "we're right and they're wrong." Instead, this is a site for practical information and encouragement about the dynamic function and flexibility of the church Christ came to build. Make yourself at home here, read the blog and check back often as this site grows! |
Why I Started This Christian Home Church Website...
We can't walk together unless we're agreed. And I've found that many church leaders aren't particularly open to discussion, especially from anyone outside of the denomination. So we stopped looking in phone books and inside buildings, and started looking into the word. Makes sense to go to the source right? Church is a creation of Christ not an invention of man.
The Bible speaks of people meeting in temples and in houses. Paul wrote specifically about a participatory church in I Corinthians 14, and not a situation where only select few teach, preach, or sing while everyone else watches on like spectators in the bleachers year after year. Let me add here that leaving a traditional church setting wasn't easy at all. I sought God with genuine "fear and trembling." So believe me, if anyone reading this is nervous or even scared about leaving your current church fellowship for something unknown, I understand completely. I didn't make the decision quickly or take it lightly. Nor do I advocate that people should leave their current church just because they don't like something. There's a right way and a wrong way to handle things. Along with prayer and study, I also did my fair share of Google searching to find out what others were doing. I found some wonderful resources, and met some other like minded souls who were searching for direction as well. I'd like for this website to serve as another source of help along the way. A place for answers to questions, settling concerns and some encouragement. Please don't hesitate to drop me a line using the contact form. I had questions - you probably will too. I don't claim to be an expert on any of this, but we can find answers in the Word. So let's be the church - the body of Christ - giving glory to God and encouraging each other as best we can, for as long as we can...wherever we can! |