About Christian Home Church Founder, Patrick Sipperly
I'm a video producer, owner of DurangoVideo.com & the Arizona Video Company, and I write Christian Fiction. For more details on the latest book release, visit PatrickSipperly.com. I'm also a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a believer that the church is the dynamic body of Christ wherever two or three or two or three hundred gather together in Jesus name.
Here's a little more of my story... The Lord got a hold of my heart in a Pentecostal church in Kenai, Alaska when I was about twelve. In the years that followed, I met and was taught by some of the most wonderful people in the world. I remember their love for God and each other and how often they prayed with me at the altar. From those early days, I felt God had something specific for me to do, though I didn't know what it was. After high school, I attended Bible school for a year in Minnesota, and more college in Alaska before joining the Army in 1985. I served four years both in Europe and here in the U.S. After my enlistment, I attended Oregon State University and worked at a restaurant where I promptly backslid and lived in a near constant state of condemnation. When the opportunity arose, I moved north to Portland, and reconnected with the Lord. I joined a new independent church that was just getting started and began hands on ministry like I'd never known before. I learned the power of the straight word of God and how we should never add to it, or take away from it. I also learned about a diversely gifted church, not a pastor only ministry structure. For the next 10 years, I taught home Bible studies, picked up people for church, was the youth leader, vacuumed carpets, drove the bus, was on the board and was later ordained. I also met and married my beautiful wife there. The church and I went through many changes. Some were good, some not so good. We all did as many things wrong as right, but by prayer, long suffering, and forgiveness, we continued on. I look back on those years with gratitude. It was my spiritual Basic Training. When our family moved to Colorado in 2006, we didn't feel to start another church, but we knew that we couldn't just sit on a pew either. Unfortunately, the denominational churches we visited taught denominational doctrines that we couldn't agree with. Like many believers, we were caught between |