But aside from the sinfulness, there are some sobering, even disturbing negative side effects of porn that many of us have never thought about. Dots in our lives we wouldn't think were connected. And this isn't just a noteworthy problem for young males. Men of all ages and even women are subject to eyes that wander.
I read a news article recently that had a link to a video about the harmful effects of pornography. The entertaining speaker presented some truly cautionary information, not from a spiritual perspective, but from a neurological one. The impact of pornography and associated activities are remarkable. Most people caught up in porn already know it's wrong spiritually. They may even be aware of its damaging effects on relationships. But they may have never considered how personally harmful it is physically, mentally and emotionally. The short video below is well worth your time.
If you've found this eye-opening or helpful, pass it along. Pornography is by far the most searched for item on the web and if this information is accurate, it's slowly killing us. From the scriptures we already know that pornography is sin and the wages of sin is death. Now there appears to be more evidence that this is a scientific fact as well. Perhaps this kind of logical information will help a person to be more like a real Superman - godly, productive, and a light to those around him.