Why should someone listen to you? That’s a good question. I admit I am hardly a formal expert in marriage. I majored in English and minored in Education in college so what I know about marriage has all been learned outside of a classroom. Were there even any college classes about marriage anyway? As part of my study in the Education department at Colorado College, I did study some psychology, but it was not a major emphasis. The unique nature of our college made me innately curious. It also taught me how to ask the deeper questions, and then how to analyze the answers.
Maybe that’s why you should listen to me. I know I don’t know everything there is to know about marriage, but I do know some of the best places to go for answers. With the help of people smarter than me, more experienced than me and who have offered up ideas about what works and what doesn’t, I researched my way to expertise. I read 25 titles, I interviewed 70 women ranging in age from 25-85 and I collected objective data for 170 women. I am still learning and growing through what life throws at me but the book is a great starting point.
Why This Book? The idea for this book was a response to an on-my-knees conversation with God. I had hit a low and desperate spot in my life, and in my marriage. I pleaded with God for some help to get through it. The motivation to research for this book was the very next thought in my head. I have felt divinely inspired all along. I feel called to make our marriage and, marriage in general, a vehicle to know God’s love and to improve on the relationships around us.
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Why Now? Even the publishing story of this book feels as though God’s hand has been in the mix. Until now, I wasn’t ready, and the book wasn’t ready either. Eight years have passed since my night of prayer, but I knew all along that it was going to happen on a timeline that was not mine. I had all but given up on the book after a series of rejections and not much momentum. TreasureLine publishing seemingly came out of nowhere, and before I knew it I was contracted to finish the book. That was a year ago, and here I am with a physical offering to make to the world.

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