When words failed, more drastic measures were enacted.
Freedom to worship, freedom from taxation without representation and liberty to self-govern were at the heart of the Revolutionary War. Freedom was the cry back then.
Many cry freedom today.
May I ask you a few questions?
- Have you ever spent your way out of debt? Or does more spending tend to make your debt worse? What happens when those debts are called in and you cannot pay?
- If you put in more time at work, but don't get paid for that extra time, would you keep doing it? According to many officials, the more you make the more you should be taxed. How does that affect your motivation to work harder?
- The average U.S Senator makes over $174,000 per year, not including perks. They have a completely separate health care plan and retirement benefits you and I will never see. They get every holiday off and take 5-week paid vacations. Does that seem right to you? How about the un-elected czars who make over $100,000 per year? Are you okay with that?
- Are you comfortable with your tax dollars going to pay for abortions, NPR, lavish vacations even during tough economic times, art exhibitions that promote homosexualtly and an educational system that demeans America's Christian heritage?
- Do you think legislation should be read, understood, and made clear to the public by lawmakers before or after it gets voted on?
The people who put their lives on the line in the 1700's really put their lives on the line. They weren't risking their iPod or their car. They risked everything! Under supplied, out gunned, out manned, under fed and some without shoes battled seasoned soldiers for a chance to determine their own destiny. To decide their own faith. To pursue their own dreams.
They viewed government as a necessary evil – but an evil nonetheless. They envisioned a limited government with set, specific authority. Today, I believe this evil has grown so far beyond it's intended boundaries that if it is not checked and rebalanced in this election cycle, the opportunity to do so peacefully will be past.
Are you voting or are you sitting this one out? Are you content with inaction or are you willing to inconvenience yourself for a few minutes to get to the polls and cast your say as to who will be at the helm of our country?
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. (Proverbs 29:2)
If I claim to be a Christian, yet do nothing to stop unrighteous leadership, am I living what I profess? I think not.
I don't like our two party system, but I tend to agree with the Conservative position on issues more often then not. But this isn't about a party; it's about our country as founded!
Please be involved. Please pray for a righteous change of direction for America! Please get out and vote for candidates who have common sense and real-life experience in the workplace. People with wisdom and an understanding that life is precious and our rights and liberties are not for sale to unions or extreme special interest groups.
Please vote!
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