may behold wondrous things
out of thy law.
Psalms 119:18
Don't be fooled by their simplicity and lack of commentary. The Word of God doesn't need extra fluff or my input to make them potent to the soul. Rather, the scriptures need to be read, studied and memorized in their undiluted purity. In the end, it's not our opinions, preferences, or theories that will save us. Pastor, Dr., Rev., Bishop Smith didn't die for our sins. Aunt Martha may make the most mouth watering apple pie, but she doesn't hold the keys to death, hell and the grave. It is the Word of God that saves us if we believe it and obey it.
The first three Bible studies are about the scriptures themselves. Every time I go through them, I'm reminded of the awesome power contained within the Bible. I'm struck by its perfection and in terror of it's warnings. God doesn't kid around about his Word. His promises are true, his judgments are certain, his benefits are real and his percepts are eternal. Societies and cultures may change and evolve but the Word of God abideth for ever!
The two new additions touch on what believing is, and on the benefits of serving God. You might be surprised to see what the scriptures have to say about these topics.
In my travels, I've rarely heard the connection between believing and obedience preached. More frequently I've heard that "Christ has done all the work and we don't have to do anything." Interesting doctrine...but is that what the Bible says? See for yourself.
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved..." Ever heard that? That's in the Bible, but did you know that's not the end of the verse or the chapter? There's a lot more to that story. Have a look for yourself in that Bible study on believing.
I'll close with a short poem that was embedded in my heart many years ago...
Every hour of every day.
Only those have cause to fear,
Who do not heed the words they hear.