Or I must know the latest on Fox News or the Drudge Report?
Who's on Facebook???
What are my stocks doing? YouTube?
Or all the above?
How efficient we can be! Or my, how little I've gotten done today!
Okay, time for prayer and the Word – oh wait! - Joe sent me that funny video...
http \\: Ican'tBelieveHowStupidThisIsButI'mStillLaughing/Replay/Replay/Don'tClickThisAgain.
Finally, Marty's online to play Dork Attack III...
Lord, I'll spend more time with you tomorrow or the next day...
But the next day the videos will be even more crazy. Someone else will be available to chat. The headlines will be even more sensational.
Computer Distractions.
The easiest way to mouse-click your life away and not mean to.
Seeking the Lord first (or at all) and waiting on him with my undivided attention is more difficult now than any other time I can remember – hold that thought while I check my email.
During the late 80s, I was stationed in Germany in the Army's 1st Armored Division “Old Ironsides” in Germany. Unlike most other occupations, you are a soldier 24 hours a day. Just because you were dismissed, didn't mean you couldn't be called back. Obviously, that can put a strain on life, especially if you're trying to keep a marriage and family together overseas.
The Army created “Iron Family Time” to improve morale. Every Thursday we were let go from our duties at 1600 hrs (4:00 PM) which was at least an hour earlier than usual. We had to be out of our work area by that time or we were in trouble. Married soldiers were encouraged to spend time with their families. Unmarried soldiers relaxed. Put simply, we were forced to unplug.
Some of us are electronically connected somehow (TV, computer, iPod, iPad, etc.,) almost all day and into the night. We're online and available to almost anyone in our chat list. But are we that way with Jesus? Can he “blip” on the screen of our heart and mind and get a quick response from us? Or will he see me as “Away” or “Do Not Distrub?”
I have to admit that he's gotten that from me lately. Every other little thing was more important at that moment. And the next. And the next. And how did it get to be 11:15 PM already?
But won't it be a day just like today when Christ will call his church home?
---Let me text my buddy - BRB.
Aren't these the world conditions spoken of by prophets of old that would precede the days of our Lord's return?
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. (Luke 21:34)
I had to literally tell myself to “UNPLUG!” and get away from the computer the other evening. Finally, instead of staying glued to an HD screen, I invested some time in prayer and praise to God. And a couple of funny things happened:
First, I was at peace and smiled on the inside.
Second, my emails were still there, no one died because I didn't chat, and the news was still the news – most of which had nothing to do with me or my family.
But I'm closer to God now and have a clearer mind. What a concept!
I wrote about this before in Linger For The Blessing but we can all benefit from a reminder now and then. Making some God time happen everyday is going to be more and more important as the days unfold, because there's absolutely nothing more important in life than being right with Him.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? (Mark 8:36)
Just as spyware, viruses and other harmful things can collect on our computers, so too they can collect on our soul. In time we're running sluggish, having more carnal thoughts and “spamming” our friends and family in conversations with things we didn't mean to say.
Unplug soon, okay?

--- writer is offline with Jesus ---